Condiciones limitadoras debidas a la naturaleza de los movimientos expresivos de los especímenes estudiados: By los niños feos del prado | Curated by Carolina Cerón
In this new world to which they arrive, it is possible that the limiting conditions may change according to the inventory and the laws in force in each country. Don't panic, they are just bones, Aphrodite told him, but Don continued reading. The limiting conditions comprise a situation, where objects of mass reproduction have been manually reconstructed by multitask beings. [...]
In this new world they arrive in, it's possible that the limiting conditions may change depending on the inventory and the prevailing laws of each country. Don't be alarmed, they are just bones, Afrodita told him, but Don kept reading. The limiting conditions encompass a situation where mass reproduction objects have been manually reconstructed by multitasking beings. To assess the level of risk in certain conditions reproduced in trials, anthropomorphically representative specimens of various sizes are used. When determining the most suitable option, the medical report, the level of amputation, the climate, and the activities the person would like to perform with the prostheses are taken into account. These instrumented anthropomorphic beings will allow evaluating the level of risk that the person they represent would face under the same impact conditions. Don't be scared; they are just pieces, Don. Don't read that anymore.
But we are not men, Joseph; we are dead hares, Don said. Furthermore, the impressions I obtained were superficial because I don't speak the language of the tribes, Aby said.
We were all very concerned about what Don said after hearing the news, while they showed him the visual pain scale, and he pointed to the red, whispering: under the X-ray, I'm just a vertebrate, do that to me, do that to my corporeal anatomy because we are humanity, we are a mannequin with prosthetics, fictional and artificial, with and without a mind, you can rate me as you like, with or without Darwin, please rate me. The threads of my autonomy beg for it and creak. My thorny red heart, around a thin arm, inside a white bone where love is innate and close to me, close to my anatomy.