Tanto Góngora como Pongutá adoptan procesos profundamente colaborativos y arraigados en la tierra, reuniendo a comunidades y materiales para explorar temas de nutrición, sanación e interconexión. Sus obras invitan a reflexionar sobre el poder de los recursos cotidianos, la sabiduría contenida en las tradiciones culturales y la urgente necesidad de reconectar con la tierra. En su exploración compartida de la memoria, el legado y el equilibrio ecológico, Góngora y Pongutá crean un arte que no solo desafía las nociones contemporáneas de creación, sino que también ofrece un espacio para la sanación y la reclamación.
Juliana Góngora, Cuencos, 20212,500 USD (set of 5)
Juliana Góngora, Taller, 2021$12,000.00
Juliana Góngora, Ofrendatarios, 20215,000 USD (set of 2)
Linda Pongutá, Redes Vacías, 2021 - 2022$4,000.00
Linda Pongutá, Vehículo, 2024$2,000.00
Linda Pongutá, Hibisco, 20222,000 - 2,500 USD
Juliana Góngora, Labor, 2024-20251,500 USD ea.
Linda Pongutá, Fagua I, 2025$4,500.00
Linda Pongutá, Gatansuca, alimento consumido II, 2023$8,000.00
Linda Pongutá, Gatansuca, alimento consumido I, 2023$4,000.00
Linda Pongutá, Tejido escondido I y II, 20242,500 USD ea.
Linda Pongutá, Verde, 2024$2,000.00
Linda Pongutá, Ave nocturna, 2018$4,000.00
Juliana Góngora, Ofrendatarios, 20212,500 USD (set of 2)
Linda Pongutá (Bogotá, Colombia 1989)
Lives and works in ColombiaLinda Pongutá investigates and reinterprets with sensitivity the complex political situations that her country, Colombia, faces. In her work, she addresses topics such as state corruption, the abuse of jungle territories, and the social inequality they provoke. Her creative process has led her to explore
emblematic spaces, such as the building that houses the ruins of the telecommunications company Telecom. In this place, she carried out a reflective intervention on what is left behind after the passage of capitalist progress and technological expansion, questioning the remnants of people and places.
Juliana Góngora (Bogotá, Colombia, 1988)
Lives and work in ColombiaArtist, sculptor, and educator from Bogota, Colombia. Juliana is currently interested in exchanging knowledge with artisans, farmers, and indigenous communities from the Americas. She works with organic materials: soil, salt, spider threads, grains of sand, stones, glass and milk. She collects sculptural conditions: strength, subtlety, pressing, waiting, suspending, moistening. As an artist, she calls for a material consciousness. She asserts that, as humans, we must focus more on our daily actions instead of centering our attention on our discourses.
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